Friday, March 4, 2011

The Stud

In my second post, I told you about a Professor in the Institute. Many people liked it and quite a few friends asked me to write about students. Well, I took a poll among my friends, to decide upon the person about whom, I should write my next blog. Two persons received maximum votes. Congratulations to both of them. Unfortunately, I had to ditch the name of one person, only because of the popularity reason. The person about whom, I am going to write is (in) famous even among the Professors for his antics and tactics.
He is a stud. He is the primary reason for many girls in Hostel 11 (that’s the girls hostel of my college, where most of the Post Graduate students stay) to lose their sleep. He even comes to their dreams to scare the hell out of them. It’s a treat to attend the lecture in which he is present. You can definitely expect fun in the class, from his mouth for sure. I can list out numerous incidents which prove this. Another fact that I came to know about him is that, he is a dropout from one of the best technical universities in the world. Don't know why.
Most of the incidents that come to my mind about him took place during the class. He is the TA of the Professor who is teaching us that particular subject. So, he is supposed to attend every lecture of that professor and take down the notes. He actually records the lecture in his Sony MP3 Recorder, which is quite old and has some battery problems too. He will be there in the first row itself, keenly listening to the class and passing odd comments at unimaginable contexts.
There is a person called Richard Ernest Bellman (August 26, 1920 – March 19, 1984), an Applied Mathematician from New York. He is famous for the invention of a process called Dynamic Programming in 1953, which is essential for us in this course. Our professor was talking about this person and his theory. Suddenly, our hero puts up his hand and says - “Bellman – nice name na!!”??????!!!!!!!
Another day, our professor was talking about the books we needed to refer for the subject and he had asked us to issue some books on the subject from the library. Most of the people got a book authored by a person Donald E Kirk. Our hero suddenly asks a question to the professor - “Are you a fan of Star Trek?” Professor thought for a while and he said no. The reply of the hero was more hilarious - “The hero of Star Trek is called Captain Kirk!!!!!!”
Last day, there was a talk by a distinguished Alumnus of the Institute. It was about the Brain-Machine Interface. Of course, our hero was present there too. The speaker was talking about the functioning of the brain neurons, and he said that, in one of his experiments, he was astonished to find that, in the primate he tested; one particular neuron was evoked when it was shown the picture of a particular actress. Our hero was visibly astonished and raised a question – “What sort of training did you give? What kind of dress is the actress wearing??” Why would that make a difference??????!!!!!
Well, talking about our hero’s connection with the girls, he spares no girl and scares the hell out of them. As I said earlier, he takes down every note and if he didn’t get to solve a problem in the class and he finds out that a girl in the class has done it... Poor girl!!! He will be turning up at around 11pm in front of Hostel 11, and calls the girl to get her note!! Can’t he wait for another few hours, so that he can ask her during the next day???
One of my friends was telling about another incident that took place with her. There is a restaurant in the campus, which is pretty good and expensive too, as per the student standard. But, our hero had his lunch and dinner from this restaurant daily. Had breakfast also been served there, he would have taken breakfast also from there. Back to the incident, she was a bit late and she missed her lunch from the hostel. She went to this restaurant, along with her pal and was waiting for the food. Our hero came in, saw these girls sitting, ordered a tea, pulled out a chair, and sat at the table, without even asking!! I don’t remember what he talked to them later, but as far as I know about him, it would have been utter nonsense.
Later in the night, she suddenly woke up in the middle of the night. Her roommate was knocking on the door. She actually had a nightmare. Our hero somehow got through the security and came to her room, in the middle of the night, to ask her the notebook!!! See, he even doesn’t let them sleep!!
There is another incident. This time, another girl was walking back to the hostel at around 11pm. She had some work in the lab or whatsoever, she was late. Suddenly, out of the dark, our hero comes out and began talking to her. About her ambitions, future plans ... He was asking her about whether, she would be going for a PhD or not... Did he think of proposing to her?? I don’t know. It would have been fun if such a thing did happen and she must have slapped his face off!!!
Well, due to some reason unfathomable, he was absent in today’s class. It was such a boring class you know... Without him, the class is like an underwear without an elastic!!! So, I dedicate this post to a man, who makes our classes funny!!!
That’s all for today. Keep reading and drop in your valuable comments...


  1. i can't tell that.. as per the policy of my blog, i cannot disclose more about any of the persons i hv described here.
