Sunday, February 20, 2011

My First Post

This is my first experience of writing a blog which consists of only my thoughts. My other blog was more technical and studies. All thought of me as a nerd and was considering me as such. So, I would like to venture into creative writing a little bit. I just want to jot down the thoughts that come to my mind now and then.
Well, before moving further, I would like to tell a few things about this blog. I am writing this blog just as a time-pass and I write whenever I get a free time. Also, If I write anything wrong or bad, feel free to tell me and I am open to suggestions. As one of my proffessors say, "I am always available. You should come up with doubts. I would be very happy to answer your doubts". And when we go to him with the doubts, he asks us to ask the doubts in the class. When we ask them in the class, he listens the question very carefully and keenly. He then, spends more than 15 minutes of the class searching for the answer to our query. After wasting so much time, he realises that he doesn't know the answer and he says "Lets not get stuck to this question. We shall continue with what I shall prepared for the day. I will clear your doubt in the next class." Anyways, I won't be a person like that, you can always receive a prompt reply in not less than a week. As I may have classes and other job to do, I will surely check my blog once in every week.
A few words about me. I am a Post Graduate student at the greatest technical institute of the country - Indian Institute of Technology, at the Financial Capital of the country, specialising in Rocket Science. Born and brought up as a mother's boy in the Venice of the East in the God's own Country, I couldn't enjoy most of my childhood as my mom was over-protective. After completing my Secondary schooling at a school which had nearly 3500 students, I joined another school, which had barely 600 students at that time, for my Higher Secondary studies. This made a dramatic change in me. The new school made a new man out of me. I was a shy and introvert person before joining here. In no time, I became the star of the school. Each and every kid knew about me. I was even elected as the best student of the school in a particular month!!!
After that, I joined the (in)famous Technical University of the state for my Engineering degree. I tried to enjoy in the first year, but many factors prevented me from enjoying. I actually became a free bird when I was in my third semester. In my second semester, I joined the drama team of the university and got a few prizes. Unfortunately, I was too much into acting that I failed for 3 papers in that semester. That made me stop acting as such. Later on, I was to known as The Junior HOD of the dept. Some called me "Peon" also. watever. When I completed the 8th semster, I had a history of 8 backpapers. Hence, I decided to go for GATE coaching at an institute in the City of Fortune.
While studying there, I wrote the back papers and attempted GATE from there itself. The City of Fortune really changed my fortune. Got 18th rank in GATE. Still I had to pass one paper to obtain my degree. At last, with the help of my HOD, I got the result of that last paper which I had passed making me an engineer.
With such a history, I came to this Institute, whose motto is "Knowledge is the Ultimate Goal", to study Rocket Science.
This is a short description of my life till now. Thats all for now. I have an exam - Mid Sem - tomorrow. So, feel free to comment and suggestions are always welcome.


  1. hi dkk, never knew this much about u da !!! really heart touching !!

  2. Interesting...
    nerd you are though :P

  3. awesome and really inspiring...........
