Saturday, February 26, 2011

My Association with Women

I would like to dedicate this post to a friend of mine who has been with me for the past 5 years since we met. This one is for you.
Today, I am going to talk about my crushes. Beautiful ladies with whom I have fantasised myself during various stages of my life. Also, there are two characters with whom I shared a very good friendship, but the people around me mistook us. These people are still good friends of mine. So, those who read this and recognize those persons, just keep it with you.
Back in my school days, I was a very introvert person. Didn’t talk to anybody at all. Going to school and coming back was the only thing that I did. During the school days, I think when I was in ninth standard, I had a crush on my classmate. Please do not ask me who is it, I won’t tell you. She was lovely, fair and very much attractive. What I liked in her was her attitude, and her personality. She always came well dressed to the school, with neatly ironed top, neatly dressed hair plaited in two on either side, always had a bhasmakkuri on her forehead. She always wore her padasaram outside her socks, which made the sound whenever she walks. I was afraid to say that to her, and I didn’t tell. That was the end of that. I didn’t have the guts in me to tell her. She is a good friend of mine till date. So, my dear friend, if you recognize yourself with the above descriptions, please contact me personally..... :)
After passing my 10th boards, I went to another school for my higher secondary studies. The school was located in a lonely, serene atmosphere – at the top of a hill. Hardly 600 students, I was recognized initially there. With a nerd look and staggering marks(I was a topper there, compared to others), and with the reputation of a pass out from the great ICSE syllabus, I was automatically involved in quizzes, science club, maths club and the computer science club activities. That gave me some energy in me to open up. I started talking to girls.
There, I had a crush on another girl. My batch-mate, but a different stream, she was daughter of a famous hotel cum bar chain in central Kerala. Short, fair, and a lovely face, she made me attracted towards her. I used to meet her everyday. Say “Hi”, “Bye”, Thats it. Still I couldn’t muster up the braveness to face her. Later, when I was in twelfth, I came to know that she is in love with someone. I was nearly broke. Had I enough courage to speak to her...... Currently, I have no idea where she is and what she is doing. No news about her even to her classmates..
In the same year, in my twelfth standard, another girl came to my class. She was very talkative and we became very good friends. She had a boyfriend who was in the class of my “crush”. She used to sit with me during the computer science class, in which there were only two girls. That was enough for my friends to declare that we were seeing each other. That was the first rumour that I had to encounter. Luckily, she and her boyfriend took this very lightly and knew actually what was happening.
After two failures, I was determined to approach the third one, whoever she is. With such a determined mind, I joined the college. There, I met this girl. I was having a soft corner for her. I approached her. At last, I was proposing to a girl. She gently rejected that, saying she doesn’t want a boy from her own class to be her boyfriend. Thankfully, that didn’t break my mind as such. I would like to take this opportunity to thank her for rejecting me so gently that I didn’t feel to do anything nasty.
In the second year, two girls came to our batch as lateral entry. By this time, all my 4 classmate girls had their own boyfriends. The girl I proposed to was going around with my roommate by that time. Among the two lateral entrants, one girl was from my native place and already had a boyfriend. The other girl was a total introvert. She never talked to boys. When I looked at her, I could see the fear in her eyes, as if I am going to eat her. I decided to change that. How can a girl live in this time, with such a character? With the help of the other lateral entrant, I started to talk to her. She responded positively to my efforts and started talking to me. This created a rumour among my North Indian classmates that we were seeing each other. I didn’t mind. At the end of the last semester, she was almost talking to at least we the keralite guys. Unfortunately, after that, there was no news about her. Last time when I heard about her, I was told that she is going into sanyasa. May God help her.
Now, I am going to talk about a very special friend of mine who is a great friend of mine, and is with me through everything ever since we met each other. We have never studied together. She studied in a girls only school and did her Graduation from a women’s college. Currently doing her CA, I met her when she was in her final year of Graduation. I never thought that she would become my best friend ever. We met in Orkut, which is almost at its deathbed. I am grateful to Orkut for giving me her. We used to chat when we got free time. After some time, we exchanged our fone numbers. We started SMSing.. Still we SMS each other unless we have class. We start our SMS when we wake up, and stops, when either of us fall asleep. You people may think that, I have found out my soul-mate at last. In a sense, yes. But not as you think. We would never be in a relationship as everyone thinks. We are friends. Very intimate, yet very good friends. I can open my mind to her at any time and same is the case with her. So, I dedicate this post of mine to this great friend of mine.