Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Professor

I hope you liked the previous post. I received a lot of good comments from my friends. Among the feedback I received, one drew my attention. My friend pointed out about the professor about whom I talked about in the previous post. So, I thought I would write something about him this time.
One thing I would like to mention is that all the views expressed in my posts are solely mine and I sincerely doesn't intend to harm any of the persons mentioned in the posts. That’s why; I would like to keep the anonymity of the persons intact.
This professor of mine is a great person. Very much knowledgeable and intelligent, he is a total workaholic. He can be seen working almost 24x7 and complains that 24 hrs a day is not enough for him. There is a reason behind this. The scientist in him doesn't believe anything for granted. Even if its a simple elementary derivation, he has to prove it himself and test its credibility. I really would like to salute the integrity and sincerity he shows in his work. I would like to follow that.
Speaking of him, he has been working with one of the biggest aviation company in the world which manufactures civilian, military and space shuttles as well. He completed silver jubilee of his career there and returned to India to work for the country.
Maybe because of the experience he gained from his stint outside the country, he urges each and everyone of his student to work for the country and not for some capitalist barbarians.
I would take this opportunity to apologize to all those who might have got hurt reading my previous post. He has now become old, memory deteriorating faster than ever. He keeps forgetting things and thats the reason why he keep saying weird things.
As a student who has worked under him for nearly 6 months, I had learnt a lot from him. Its a great honour for me to be a student of such an enlightened mind.

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